Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spicy Days: 1

Hi there! I am me... nice to meet you! I don't know if you know this but... I can see you. Right now.
Whats that?
You don't believe me?
Well.... umm. I can prove it! Your wearing a shirt and pants! I'm right, right? Who am I kidding... I'm right. Now that you know I can see you. I know you can't see me so I'll tell you what I'm wearing. (this is not some type of backhanded dirty blog you pervs) So, I'm wearing a gray cardigan from Hollister and a lilac camisole. I'm also wearing skinny jeans and miss matched socks! One is read and one is striped pink and light pink. Yeah, I know you wanted to know... A couple more things about me:
1. I REALLY WANNA LEARN UKELELE (I asked for one for Xmas so who knows)
2. Imma freshman is high school
3. I'm in marching band anditsthebestthinginthewholentireworldidontcarewhatyousay :)
4. I love school but for the social aspect not the eduactional aspect
5. I go to Narnia daily. Like seriously.
Well now that you know me better I will continue on to some probably not at all serious stuff!
As I said before I am a freshie is high school and I'm lovin' it, but something just doesn't feel right. Nothing is happening... at all. You would think there would be a little bit of drama which in my opinion is better then having nothing happen at all. Nothing bad is happening but nothing good either. I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of nothing. I wanna spice up 2011 and not waste my time at High School at all. The fun thing I did to spice up the last bit of 2010 is decorate Narnia. I'm not gonna explain what Narnia is cause I think its more fun that. ;) Us musical geeks cut snowflakes out of sheet music and rapped doors in wrapping paper and hung ornaments and attached candy canes to lockers and made paper chains and hung them up. You would think we'd get in trouble for this kind of thing, but our lead in the musical called the janitors and said this: "Hi! I'm the president of Narnia's spirit committe and we'd like to decorate Narnia in the spirit of Xmas." And 15 minutes later there were candy canes and a girl was playing guitar and singing Christmas tunes! The result was amazing and so beutiful it made me wanna cry. That was why my day was spicy.

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